Easy and Fun Christmas Dessert!

While wandering around Pinterest at 3am yesterday, I found this great Christmas dessert/craft on RainingHotCoupons.com and had to share it! It's not sexual, it's not about a book, but I'm a holiday freak so here it is:

INGREDIENTS: 6 cups Rice Krispies Cereal 3 tbsp Butter 10.5 oz Marshmallows Green Food Coloring 12 Miniature Reese’s Cups 1/3 cup M&M Minis 12 Candy Stars (or you can use Lucky Charms marshmallow stars) Icing in a tube

The Best Toys for Female Masturbation

The Best Toys for Female Masturbation

When it comes to self-pleasure, it seems that, historically speaking, guys were regularly the ones pegged with tooting their own horns most often. But oh, how times have changed. According to Cosmopolitan Magazine, 40 percent of women say they actually prefer masturbating over having sex with a partner. Which, if you think about it, makes a lot of sense.

When it’s just you, by yourself, doing your thing, undistracted by another person on top of you (or behind you, or… you get the picture) you’re able to focus on what gives you the most pleasure—when you want it, where you want it, and how you want it. And all those yous can lead to better, more intense, all-around amazing Os.

My first episode with writer's block.

Writer's block is defined as "a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years." I know that definition because I googled it. GOOGLED IT. That's how much I was trying to distract myself from writing. And the scariest thing about that definition? The word YEARS. Whichever Webster employee decided on including that tidbit of information should be fired immediately and charged with cruelty to authors everywhere.

The creation of a cover...

Oh. My. God.

I just got a roll of Black Lies covershoot images from my photographer, Perrywinkle Photography.  Now, I can't take my eyes off the computer...

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY, a teensy sneak peek at the couple from this shoot:

Needless to say I'll be spending every spare moment of the next week going through these images and pulling out the best image for the cover. I can already tell... this is going to be an incredibly difficult choice. Be sure to look for the new cover on August 7th! 

Want to know WHAT this new book is all about? Sign up for a notification on release day! Sign up here!

Be calm. The waiting is almost over, and I cannot WAIT for you guys to get your hands on Black Lies...

The Creation & Polish of a Novel

I get a fair number of questions from readers and aspiring authors about the path a story takes before it lands into the hands of readers. I thought I'd take a moment and walk you through my process of novel development.Note: every author is different, and many may take a different path.

Conception: My novels typically start their life as a blurb. A quick paragraph scribbled on the back of a receipt, or  a spare piece of paper, or as a voice memo recorded in the middle of the night. :) However it comes, that is the beginning, and what I type out and tack to the wall above my desk. That paragraph is what will soon turn into my full-time obsession.

Next, I will write. My writing months usually require that I stop any leisure reading or television. If I behave, I can write a book in one month. If I allow distractions, it will stretch into two.

Eventually, I will type those two magical words: THE END. That is an awesome moment, one that I get to experience three to four times a year. I stretch, I beam, I make my husband obey my every command for the next 24 hours while we celebrate 'Happy Completion Day'.

At this point, the process is half over and the book is about 60 days from publication.


I take a week off. Sleep about 13 hours a day. Catch up on sex and reminding my family that I love them. Then, go back to work.

Rewriting. I start from the beginning. Read through the novel and add comments at every single place that I don't like. My first read-through normally contains over 200 comments. Then I start again, visiting every comment and making changes. Write. Delete. Write. Then my first round of rewriting is done. Repeat. Second round of rewrites done. Repeat. Third round of rewrites done.

Beta Time. I have four beta readers. I email them the manuscript and they pick it apart. Give me their initial reactions as they read through it. Give me their thoughts once they finish it. Let me ask them about a gazillion questions every few days. Positive comments are great but negative help the story grow.

Another round of rewrites. If you're bored of reading about rewrites, imagine how sick I am at this point of doing them.

Edits. I send the manuscript off to my editor for an initial read-through and her thoughts/comments/suggestions.

Cover. Around this time I design a cover. I am a control freak, so I can't physically stomach the ability to turn over a book and let a cover agency do their thing. I wish I could. It'd make my life a lot easier. But no. My evenings begin to fill with an obsessive search of every stock image website available. Some books I will do a photo shoot for. Some books I'll reach out to specific photographers or models to request exclusive pics that aren't being used. I want, whenever possible, a unique cover that no one else has. Once I find an image, and a title, I create a rough draft of the cover. Then I send it to my graphics designer and he takes my rough draft and makes it look better.

Another round of rewrites. Another round of editorial notes on content. Another round of rewrites. A final round of editorial notes on content.

The book is roughly finished at this stage. I send a final copy to her for a rigorous edit of spelling/grammar/punctuation.


I won't share all of my secrets of promotion, but they basically involve me prostituting myself to every blogger I have ever met. There's lots of begging involved. I plan giveaways, release day events, purchase ads on blogsites, facebook, goodreads, and anywhere else I can find. I start my social media pimpage. I design banners, posters. Tease my new baby all over the internet. Reserve dates for a blog tour. Send advance copies to my list of bloggers.


Once I get the spit-shined copy back from the editor, I send it to a formatter. He adds page numbers, table of contents, and fun page breaks. Adds copyright info, front and back information, and fixes any funky formatting. He makes it into an ebook, the final stage in my process.

Then... my baby is ready to go out into the world. My sweat and tears, my hopes and dreams. I upload it to the 5 major ebook retailers, cross my fingers and toes, send a prayer up to the big man, and hit 'PUBLISH'.

And hope like hell that you guys love it half as much as I do.

QUESTIONS? I'm here for ya. Email me anytime or follow me on social media. Want to be a BETA READER? I'm sorry. I literally have a 10 person deep waiting list. But reach out to your other favorite authors. They might have openings. Are you a NEW AUTHOR? Check out my other posts on writing here.

Bend: removal from Amazon and other sites

UPDATE: The below letter was prepared by the group of authors that I published Bend with. Please read it and let me know if you have any questions. At the end of the letter I have an additional comment. ***

Dear Readers and Fans,

Thank you so much for your support of the Bend Anthology. For those of you who may not be aware yet, Bend was removed from Amazon for content violations. They cannot confirm which story was at issue, or why. I leave it to you to deduce the story that was too scorching hot to handle. We support each other, and we will never release this anthology without each story intact, complete and as originally published. The vision of Bend will remain pure. But part of the vision was that the anthology would be temporary. We always intended to unpublished it and republish the stories individually. This was to occur after 60 days, however, in light of recent events, this will be happening earlier. Like, this weekend.

Bend, the anthology will be pulled from all venues probably by Saturday, and that those of us who wanted to individually publish our novellas will do so. As for any story too scorching for Amazon, well I am sure that all interested parties will make every effort to please their readers.

Again, your support is our gold. Please stay with us through this transition. If you still want to get it, BN/Apple/Kobo will have it for a little while. Or you can wait and individually get the books you really want.

Very best,

The Erotica Consortium


I have decided NOT to offer Still, my portion of the Bend anthology, for purchase. Since Still will become a full-length book, I will wait and publish it as one full-length novel - name TIGHT.

I will also offer signed paperback copies of Bend on my website. 

Thank you all for your support.