My Goodreads Group

If you're not already on Goodreads, it is THE Facebook of the online reading community. Everything is focused on books, you can create reading lists, leave reviews, recommend books to friends and chat with your favorite authors.

And now, finally, I'm exploring it the way that I should have, back in 2012. But I'm a little slow, so bear with me. Thankfully, my Goodreads' hand is being held by SueBee, a Goodreads icon and Top Reviewer, who knows everything there is to know about this site and has been invaluable in helping me.

FanFic: what is it and should authors do it?

I was a year into the writing world before I first heard the word fanfic. Another year passed before I understood it. And now, on my third year in the writing community, I'm taking a stab at it.

So… what is fanfic?

fanfic - short for 'fan fiction' is:

The Girl in 6E: Revamped

The second book I ever wrote was a little baby called The Girl in 6E. At the time, six months after Blindfolded Innocence pubbed, I barely had a thousand Facebook fans. I was stumbling through this industry with no clear path in mind and thought 'Hey! I'll write an erotic suspense!'

The product was Girl in 6E. A 45,000 word long self-published book that sold a fair amount of copies, finding its way into the Erotica Top 100. The book introduced Deanna Madden, a recluse who worked online in the sex industry and who struggled with a desire to kill people. Think 'Dexter in Stilettos' and you'd have a glimpse into Deanna.

Erotica's Rightful Place in the Standings

Amazon recently published their Top Selling Ebooks of 2014 and guess who made the list?

Black Lies, the same ebook that hit the New York Times List three times, an erotic romance about a woman involved with two men.

Easy and Fun Christmas Dessert!

While wandering around Pinterest at 3am yesterday, I found this great Christmas dessert/craft on and had to share it! It's not sexual, it's not about a book, but I'm a holiday freak so here it is:

INGREDIENTS: 6 cups Rice Krispies Cereal 3 tbsp Butter 10.5 oz Marshmallows Green Food Coloring 12 Miniature Reese’s Cups 1/3 cup M&M Minis 12 Candy Stars (or you can use Lucky Charms marshmallow stars) Icing in a tube

The Best Toys for Female Masturbation

The Best Toys for Female Masturbation

When it comes to self-pleasure, it seems that, historically speaking, guys were regularly the ones pegged with tooting their own horns most often. But oh, how times have changed. According to Cosmopolitan Magazine, 40 percent of women say they actually prefer masturbating over having sex with a partner. Which, if you think about it, makes a lot of sense.

When it’s just you, by yourself, doing your thing, undistracted by another person on top of you (or behind you, or… you get the picture) you’re able to focus on what gives you the most pleasure—when you want it, where you want it, and how you want it. And all those yous can lead to better, more intense, all-around amazing Os.

My first episode with writer's block.

Writer's block is defined as "a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years." I know that definition because I googled it. GOOGLED IT. That's how much I was trying to distract myself from writing. And the scariest thing about that definition? The word YEARS. Whichever Webster employee decided on including that tidbit of information should be fired immediately and charged with cruelty to authors everywhere.