Romance ... is it easier in Paradise?

I've been married for nine years. During that time, our relationship has changed greatly. I look back - at how I felt as a newly-wed - and almost laugh. My love was so strong back then ... but it was so different. It didn't trust. It didn't understand, not everything about the man I was marrying. 

Now, we feel unbreakable, like two people whose hearts have fused. And still ... I think of what things will be like in ten more years, or twenty, or thirty. Will I look back at this version of us and laugh? 

Last week, we took our first vacation together - just the two of us - in over a year. It has been a strange year for us, with a lot of new struggles. And, with dreary February weather haunting us, a tropical vacation seemed like the perfect retreat. 

SneAk Peek at SOLE...


The last few years have brought a lot of firsts for me. First time looking into a camera and saying a line. First time kissing a man I hated. First time falling in love with a man I hated. First time leaving my hometown. First time at Cannes. First time house-hunting. First time . . . well. If I list them all here you’ll fall asleep from the boredom. I’ll skip to today. First time I kill my husband. 

Reaching the Finish Line of my novel...

I'm at that place in writing that I always forget about. The day I finish. It's always easy to remember the struggles. The frustration. The days where I look at my husband and can't remember his name because I'm on my third day of no sleep. But today is my finish line. The easy, write three chapters and be done with this baby, final steps. I want to remember this, to cherish it. A reminder that things might seem bleak at times, but they are always balanced out by good days. In life as much as in writing. Don't forget to celebrate those good days. 

Writing isn't always Easy...

I often forget, when a book is written and sitting on my shelf, all of the heartache and frustration that went into writing it. Take Sex Love Repeat. I was a writer possessed, churning out a stack of pages each day until BAM. I had backed myself into a corner, hopelessly in love with two different heroes with no idea what to do. I struggled for three weeks, writing, then deleting scenes.

The Bedroom Blog is coming to an end...

This morning I'm writing the last three episodes of the Bedroom Blog. It's been a long and fun journey, I have really enjoyed this process and connecting with new readers through Cosmopolitan. It's been odd, writing a story over the course of a year, three chapters at a time. I've never written a story in that fashion, especially one where I couldn't change scenes once they had been written (and published). It's been a really interesting and creative experience. 

The New York Times Bestseller List... and are print books dead?

I read recently that self-published books can't get onto the New York Times Bestseller List. That they weren't allowed.. or that the New York Times doesn't recognize self-published sales. I knew, when I read it, that it was false. Black Lies, my erotic romance, hit it three times last year. But it was still a welcome sight to see Hollywood Dirt, my newest baby, hit the list. Twice. Technically, three times, because it hit the eBook list AND the Combined Print/Ebook list.

What does that mean?

#HowIWrite Video - My research on sex toys

Check out my latest #HowIWrite Video - this one is on researching sex toys! Research is one of the most interesting parts of my job, and I think you'll really enjoy my opinion on two of the toys I tried out.